S3Z works in partnership with Advocacy and Development for the Poor (ADP), a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Mapalo, Zambia.

The founders of ADP are Zambian nationals who have lived their entire lives in this community. They work directly with the vulnerable children and impoverished populations of their community in order to assess their needs and assist them in tangible ways.

Meet the Advocacy and Development for the Poor founders

The ADP founders and their numerous volunteers are the boots on the ground. They speak and work on behalf of the poor and disadvantaged in order that long-lasting developments will be made socially, economically, individually, and collectively as a community.

  • Peter is a local Zambian who is married and has 4 children. For decades, Peter held onto a dream of one day creating an NGO that would exist to advocate and empower the poor in his community.

    His dream was realized in 2019 when he founded Advocacy and Development for the Poor (ADP). Peter oversees Mapalo Bread of Life Primary and Secondary Community Schools. The school has over 500 students, many of whom are are vulnerable.

    He is also the pastor of Mapalo Bread of Life Church, and is the chairman of the Mapalo Network of Churches.

    Peter also serves on the board of Prison Fellowship Zambia and on a local community development committee.

    Peter has always had an incredible passion to serve his community. In fact, the township of Mapalo was formerly named Chipulukusu, and had a reputation for being a place where mischief and crime were the order of the day.

    Peter was instrumental in officially having the township’s name changed to Mapalo, which means “blessing’. Peter is truly a blessing to the community in which he lives and tirelessly serves, and his labor of love is proving to create great changes in the lives of those in his community.

  • Barnabas believes that education and knowledge are the most powerful tools a person can use to help them achieve a successful future. For most of his life, Barnabas has been involved in serving his community alongside his father.

    As the spokesperson for Advocacy and Development for the Poor (ADP), Barnabas organizes and coordinates community programs, while also working alongside the volunteers during the implementation of those programs.

    He also performs all social media communication for ADP, along with many other essential tasks.

    Barnabas has been instrumental in bringing awareness of the needs of his community to the attention of local and city leaders by being featured in the national newspaper and also taking part in local TV and radio programs.

    Barnabas graduated from Chreso University in 2023 with a Diploma in Clinical Medicine. Barnabas’ sister has sickle cell disease, which prompted him to become an advocate for other individuals suffering from the same disease. Barnabas is a born leader and is passionate about helping people achieve their dreams.

ADP is at the heart of the change and development taking place in Mapalo.

Meet Paul Phiri.

Paul was sponsored by S3Z as a college student and now teaches in Mapalo.

“Hello, my name is Paul Phiri and I am a teacher at Mapalo Bread of Life Community School. I would like to thank ADP and it's partners, S3Z, for sending me to college where I am doing a secondary teacher's diploma in mathematics. This will enable me to offer quality education to my pupils. It will also make me earn a living. Once more, thank you ADP. May our good Lord open more doors so that you can help other people. Thank you.”